We host many great public events—check out what we have planned and mark your calendar. From holiday celebrations and special promotions to our live concert series during the summer, we host a variety of fun events throughout the year.
Concert in the Clouds
Sat. June 29th 6:00-8:00pm
Sat. July 20th 6:00-8:00pm
Sun. Aug 11th 5:00-7:00pm
Three great concerts this summer
Sat June 29th 6-8PM
Billy Bronsted Trio (BB3)
Celebrating hard working folks, and the highs and lows of everyday life
Sat July 20th 6-8PM
Americana with a country twang
Sunday Aug 11th 5-7PM
Andy Z and the Swinging Monkees
Acoustic harmonies old and new
Amazing World of the Bat
Sun. Sept 8th 1:00pm
Join us on Sunday Sep 8th 1:00 PM at the FRIENDS GATHERING SPACE ( southwest of the Park Office/Ranger Station) Rib Mountain State Park for North Lakeland Discovery Center's Naturalist Lucia Kuckkahn Johnson (aka “the bat lady”) as she discusses the incredible world of the bat. Lucia will look into the unique biology and ecology of bats, benefits, and threats. The focus will be bats of Wisconsin but also include the benefits of other bats around the world.
Lucia will have many bat artifacts for all ages to explore along with her live eduction big brown bat named Edgar!
FREE ADMISSION for the program (donations always appreciated) and only a Wisconsin Sate Park vehicle admission stickers required and available at the park office. This program has been funded by the FRIENDS of Rib Mountain State Park and the Friends of Wisconsin State Parks Incentive Grant.
Monarch Butterfly Mirgration
Saturday, September 7
Monarch butterflies make their extraordinary migration every year, and September is the month when Wisconsin's monarchs begin their journey to Mexico for the winter. Come learn about the monarch life cycle, migration, and conservation at our Monarch Tagging event with Celeste Huff, Monarch researcher . We will tag monarch butterflies as part of the community science program Monarch Watch, which helps us learn more about the conservation status of monarch butterflies.
Meet at 10am at the Park visitor center, All ages welcome! Presented by:
Celeste Huff
Agroecology and Entomology Kohler Science Fellow at UW Madison Dept. of Plant Pathology
Ecology Hike
Sat, Sept 14th
Led by Friends of RM volunteers
Details coming soon...
CANCELLED due to illness Bill Jamerson's Tribute to the CCC
Sun. Aug 25th 6:00-7:30pm
Our apologies but Bill Jamerson is unable to present the CCC program on Saturday. We will post information should it be rescheduled.
Upper Peninsula based singer/storyteller Bill Jamerson is back by popular demand to Rib Mountain State Park. Bill will present a 90 min music and storytelling program about the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) at Rib Mountain State Park.
The program will be held outside at the Amphitheater (or inside at the FRIENDS Gathering Space in case of rain). Admission is FREE but a Wisconsin State Park Sticker is required for all vehicles entering the park. The program has been funded by the FRIENDS of Rib Mountain State Park and the 2024 FRIENDS of Wisconsin State Park Incentive Grant.
REGI - Raptors Nature Education Program
Sun. Sept 15th 1:00pm
Come learn about these fascinating creatures and see them up close!
Raptor Education Group Inc (REGI) will be teaching us about raptors in the Friends Gathering Space across from the Ranger/Visitor Station.
Another nature program made possible by the Friends of Rib Mountain State Park, and an Incentive Grant from the FRIENDS of Wisconsin State Parks. The Program is FREE to attend. Wisconsin State Park Vehicle Admission Sticker is required and available at the park office.